
Showing posts from February, 2020

New sense discovered in dog noses: The ability to detect heat | Science | AAAS

Quentin Tarantino: Things I've Learned as a Moviemaker

Ten Trends That Will Shape Science in the Decade Ahead | Science | Smithsonian Magazine

Physicists just 'held' an individual atom for the first time | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Danish energy company Ørsted's plans for the US energy grid - Protocol

Best website builders for 2020: Wix, Squarespace and more compared

What happens when satellites get hacked?

The best premium video editor 2020 | TechRadar

The Body Shop is adopting "open hiring"

What is consciousness? - BBC Science Focus Magazine

AI in the adult industry: porn may soon feature people who don't exist

What will cars look like in future - and will they be safe? | World Economic Forum

NASA animation slowly drains the oceans, reveals ancient land bridges - Business Insider

1917 DP Roger Deakins: Camera Stabilization, Movement, and the Trinity | IndieWire