Spoken Word

Freedom of speech let's you pop off under the guidelines of the provision brought to you by the founding fathers.So how far do you let that go before you say, reign that in.Who sets the boundaries? Thinking before you speak seems not to be an option.Just wearing the FOS badge on your sleeve gives you 365 24/7 access to an uncensored mouth that likes to work overtime. Now if you adhere to the you are what you eat rule,you then should also adhere to you are what you speak rule. The spoken word comes with limitless power.Yup..It defines who you are and used properly can bring you all of your desires.This is not on the mumbo jumbo tip, just part of universal law.So the next time you wave the mighty freedom of speech flag, put that energy into yourself and scorch the ground with the sound of your prosperity and health!#wecangetrichtogether
